Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've Got Beef

And I've gotta get it out.

What is all the fuss about Dunkin' Donuts coffee? It is such bad coffee, I can't even tell you. Bleck! All the buzz about it "being so good" is such bullshit and I can't possibly keep silent about it any longer.

I'm in New England and I'm watching people come in with their DD coffee in hand and I'm you even KNOW where that shit came from? It's MACHINE COFFEE, people. They don't even have REAL baristas who make REAL espresso...cashiers just push a little button and a disgusting pre-made concoction pours out and people call it good. It's practically from a gas station and it tastes that way, too. Ew! How could you possibly think that's palatable?

OMG. Does this make me a Seattle coffee snob?


1 comment:

ari said...

Ugh, try McCafe if you want to try some really horrible coffee. Yes, I am a Seattle coffee snob, but it is on par with a lot of the hotel coffee. Also, Starbucks Via is terrible.

Let's get Herkimer one day over break, or Traibant!