Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Turning Over a New Leaf.

I have decided to stop judging myself and start doing things that I'm not experienced at, and therefore, clearly not good at. I think this will help in a plethora of ways. My self-growth and personal development will skyrocket.

I feel like I'm writing a cover letter.

I'm not feeling very clever at the moment.

We're (the roomies and I) are getting primed and ready to watch The Bachelorette.

I had a GREAT weekend! The spa package was incredible...but the only remnants I have left are shapely eyebrows and neatly manicured fingers and toes. :( I wish it could have lasted longer. (Funny, since it was already 8 hours.)

And the 5K was inspiring! And the BBQ was super entertaining!

And I think summer is here!

And I might be getting a camera!

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's Warm Out for a Change.

Wow! Our third nice day of the year has arrived. Let's hope this is a welcoming for better weather.

Tomorrow, I have a full day planned. Read this shit:

06:30am - Meeting at my place
07:00am - Taking the bus to Quest Field while chowing on some grub
07:30am - Arriving at Quest Field along with thousands of others
08:00am - Running the Race for the Cure 5K along the Puget Sound
08:33am - Finishing the Race for the Cure 5K along the Puget Sound
09:00am - Scarfing down the free food they provide after 5K runs
09:15am - Trucking it to the downtown mall where Nordstrom awaits
10:00am - Arriving at the downtown Nordstrom
10:15am - Beginning my spa package: exfoliation, body wrap, massage, manicure, pedicure, and lunch!
06:00pm - Finishing my spa package
07:00pm - Showering and making my way over to JH's for some grilling good times!

Peace - have a good weekend!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

El Nino, My ASS.

It's June and we still have the heat on.

There is something dreadfully wrong with this situation.

When places such as Fairbanks, Alaska and Siberia are experiencing higher temperatures than where I live, I deserve the chance to whine.

I swear, since Seattle hit a record high of 91 on May 17, we haven't been past 60 damn degrees for the whole of 2008. Shit, it's almost 2009! By the looks of it, we'll be sitting pretty at 65 in the dead of summer! Boo hiss from the Midwestern girl who grew up with 90 degree summers and such intense humidity that a regular day was like swimming with your clothes on until 9pm at night when Mother Nature would provide a necessary reprieve from the heat. I'll say it again: Boo hiss.

I slept for just about 15 hours today. It's like I'm making up for lost times. Or I'm fighting something off. (Like a sickness, not like a Ninja Warrior or something dangerous.)

My stomach hurts. What's new?

Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm proud to report that the amazing, the fantastic "Pants Off Dance Off" (essentially, a team composed of JH and I) placed 22nd out of 150 teams in the Great Urban Race (Seattle version) this weekend (! We totally rocked out. We finished in under 2 hours (1:56:56 to be exact) and also won the title of BEST PHOTOS. Because we finished in the top 25, we are now qualified to go to the National Championships in Vegas. Haha. It was pretty crazy - our matching costumes were wetsuits with a bikini (me) and my red lace underwear (him) over the top. I can't take credit; it was definitely all of his creative genius.

We ran all over this damn city for 2 solid hours on Saturday (in wetsuits, mind you). It was so exhausting, but pretty cool to be in the middle of a competition (for someone who won't admit she's competitive, I'm pretty competitive...) and going for the gold (or, in this case, $300 and free entry to Nationals) and giving it our all. I didn't know what to expect, but it was turned out to be a great time and I got into it because JH was so excited about it. I forgot what it feels like to really be invested in something! We laughed a lot (again, pretty typical for us) and I tripped during an intense run to the site of a clue in Pioneer Square. My ankle twisted on some uneven sidewalk cobblestone and down I went! Bruised and bloodied (literally), I stood up (with the help of JH) and rallied...and because of all the adrenaline, I pretty much went numb until Sunday morning when I woke up and discovered that my ankle had swollen considerably. Eh, it's all part of the game, right?

I'm feeling tough today!

PS - My singing at the wedding last weekend went well! Really well! I don't think I ever mentioned that! :)

Monday, June 2, 2008


Geez. It's been a while, eh? (Here comes my Minnesota speak again. Welcome back.)

I've been busy. REALLY busy. At work. CRAZY busy.

Then, I left for Minneapolis on Thursday to sing for a good friend's wedding in Glenwood, Minnesota which is about 2 hours north of the cities. IT WAS INSANE.

Let me tell you about it:

So, my flight was delayed by an hour because of thunderstorms in Minneapolis (we were in a holding pattern and all arrivals were suspended), so I got in around 9pm and we left for Glenwood at 10pm in the pouring rain. The pianist, Jax, and her boyfriend, Judder (nicknames, obviously) picked me up in a HUMUNGOUS fricking truck that sits eye-level to semis.

We drove up in crazy weather conditions and arrived in the middle of nowhere (aka Glenwood) around 12:30pm only to be greeted by an empty resort since everyone who had come for the wedding was at the bachelorette party in Alexandria, which is a few miles northwest. So, we got directions to the cabins from a drunken groom who totally misled us. We started out at a cabin that was small and thought it HAD to be where we were staying (though it was old and stinky), so we got into pajamas, washed our faces, brushed our teeth, and got a phone call from the bride telling us that we were at the wrong place. So, (with difficulty as it was PITCH BLACK outside) we walked next door. Wrong cabin #2.

The next cabin was significantly larger, but also significantly creepier. It was something out of a horror movie...dingy rooms, decor from the 1980s (crocheted quilts, stuffed bears), water seeping around in the basement, poor lighting to scare us even more. I swear we would have gotten locked in a room by a deadly spirit if we wouldn't have gotten out of there. After I received the call that we were in the wrong place, we practically sprinted outside. Wrong cabin again.

So, we haphazardly made our way to a fourth cabin (which, incidentally, was across the damn resort) and found that it was individual little hotel rooms in a large U-shaped building. Judder argued this HAD to be it, but I reminded them that there was no "big common family room" nor were there rooms claimed, so this WAS NOT IT.

By this time, it was about 1:15am and we were irritated, to say the least. And wet (thanks to previously-mentioned thunderstorms). We trucked over to the fifth cabin of the night...which we had to break into via a bedroom door off of the balcony and this cabin was NOT old, was NOT was BEAUTIFUL. Something out of "Log Home Magazine." We didn't care if this wasn't the cabin, we were staying. And alas, I'm sure you guessed it...we had broken into wrong cabin #5. At this point, I was informed by a drunken, angry bride that the caravan of intoxicated bastards would be arriving soon, so Jax and I literally stood in the road waiting for someone to point us in the right direction. Sure enough, they drove right by us and didn't even so much as stop to yell. Defeated, we followed them up to the fricking edge of the property (we never even SAW cabins up there - it was much too dark outside) and staggered into the cabin to find a room. Everyone was wasted (except us...unless you count tiredness as equal to drunkeness) and we were not having it, so we went to bed. But I finally got to meet the groom! :)

There are more stories from the weekend, but I'm done with I'm out! More lata.

PS - I've decided to lay off the term "boyfriend." We're not exclusive (only "dating"...or something like that) and thus, there is no need for labeling. Plus, it makes me feel better not having to use the word. I have a serious aversion to it. I sneeze every time I say it. Or puke.