I'm proud to report that the amazing, the fantastic "Pants Off Dance Off" (essentially, a team composed of JH and I) placed 22nd out of 150 teams in the Great Urban Race (Seattle version) this weekend (www.greaturbanrace.com)! We totally rocked out. We finished in under 2 hours (1:56:56 to be exact) and also won the title of BEST PHOTOS. Because we finished in the top 25, we are now qualified to go to the National Championships in Vegas. Haha. It was pretty crazy - our matching costumes were wetsuits with a bikini (me) and my red lace underwear (him) over the top. I can't take credit; it was definitely all of his creative genius.
We ran all over this damn city for 2 solid hours on Saturday (in wetsuits, mind you). It was so exhausting, but pretty cool to be in the middle of a competition (for someone who won't admit she's competitive, I'm pretty competitive...) and going for the gold (or, in this case, $300 and free entry to Nationals) and giving it our all. I didn't know what to expect, but it was turned out to be a great time and I got into it because JH was so excited about it. I forgot what it feels like to really be invested in something! We laughed a lot (again, pretty typical for us) and I tripped during an intense run to the site of a clue in Pioneer Square. My ankle twisted on some uneven sidewalk cobblestone and down I went! Bruised and bloodied (literally), I stood up (with the help of JH) and rallied...and because of all the adrenaline, I pretty much went numb until Sunday morning when I woke up and discovered that my ankle had swollen considerably. Eh, it's all part of the game, right?
I'm feeling tough today!
PS - My singing at the wedding last weekend went well! Really well! I don't think I ever mentioned that! :)
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