Monday, March 22, 2010

Here We Go...

One month till my birthday.
You better make a paper chain, it's getting close!

Love, Kelly

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Equinox!

To celebrate the equinox, a friend (from Michigan!) and I went on a hike near Seattle called Little Si. It was delightful! Here are some photos to make it seem more real for you...

I loved this gnarly tree root in the woods.

The weather was SO BEAUTIFUL.
Sun streaming through the trees!

The moss-covered branches were lovely!

Here's the view from where we ate lunch.

And the summit!

It was a gorgeous day!
Spring has sprung!

Happy Equinox, happy soul-shifting!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Creation

I've been meaning to display my necklaces for quite some time now and I came up with a pretty creative way to do so. No more keeping my necklaces cooped up in that Rubbermaid container on my dresser. This is ART! Hiya!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Back to Beautiful.

For five weeks now, I have been wearing my glasses.

And for five weeks now, I've been feeling totally DRAB.

Somehow, wearing glasses brings me back to the sixth grade when I had frizzy hair and big ole frames and my eyes were the size of quarters through my lenses. Needless to say, I'm very insecure when wearing them.

I even painted my nails to feel better!

Turns out, I've been having an allergic reaction to my contact solution. You know, the contact solution I've been using since LAST FEBRUARY? Yeah, that's the one.

If I were accepting an award for the worst vision in Seattle,
here's what I would say:

"I'd just like to say thanks again to Opti-Free Replenish for all of the days my eyes were blood red and I thought I was getting pink eye. Thanks for making me think I was losing my vision by staring at the computer screen when I started work in January. Thanks for causing my eyes to be so sensitive to light that I would go squinting and yearning to wear sunglasses indoors for weeks at a time. Thanks for making me think my eyes were overly dry and being there to help when I squirted you in each eye multiple times during the day for moisture. Oh, and thanks especially for the white, puss-filled sores that made my corneas' surfaces both raw and extremely sensitive for almost ten months and which, conveniently, don't clear up until I've been wearing my glasses for five consecutive weeks and I've been to the ophthalmologist three times during those five weeks. Yeah, thanks."

Oh THANK YOU, Opti-Free Replenish, for making my life a living hell for the past five weeks. For the past ten months! Thanks to you, I now get to switch to a more complicated system of wearing and washing contact lenses. YIPPEE HOORAY!

Boy, am I feeling sarcastic today!

Boy, am I on my way to glamor sans my glasses!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Birthday!!

It's almost time. We've got about 6 weeks to go - I better get my list in order. You'll be seeing that in about 2 weeks time. Please don't worry.

I might have the best birthday EVER this year because Jason and I are going to....

WOOOHOO! Aloha to my 27th year on this earth! We're going to see this:

And this:

And maybe even this:


I'm going to lay on the beach and drink daiquiris with umbrellas and eat pineapple and swing in hammocks and swim in crystal blue water and visit volcanoes and do yoga in the sand and take beautiful naps in the middle of the day and get super tan and eat delicious Hawaiian BBQ and take walks with Jason and wear only sundresses and celebrate turning 27!

It's going to be DIVINE...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Olympic Mountains at sunset.

Elliot Bay Waterfront.

Oh-so-dapper Jason.

Waterway to Ballard Locks.