Sunday, September 21, 2008


Tea. Vanilla Caramel black tea. Mmmmm.

It's dreary today and it will probably continue to be this way for the next 9 months. That's cool. I'll be traveling the country and it won't matter too much to me.

I've been interviewing potential roommates and we're almost done with the rankings. We have yet to see (pseudonyms) Greenlake and Spark who are both legitimate possibilities. So far, the list is as follows:

1) California: A sweet, bubbly girl who is moving up here from CA to fill a position in the downtown Seattle area. She's inquisitive, outgoing, enthusiastic, and polite. Based on first impressions and intuitions alone, she'd make a great roommate as well as a great friend. Hesitations: None - I want her to live here 100%. Advantages: She'd be a great addition to my Seattle friend network. Even if she doesn't live here, I want to hang out with her!

2) Landlord: A quiet, young girl who has 2 years of college left, but is already a landlord by renting out the basement to her parents' Seattle home. They're selling, so she's moving. She seems responsible, dependable, and trustworthy - a good roommate with not a lot of potential for long term friendship. Hesitations: She's fairly young and she seems very quiet. Advantages: She'd always pay rent on time, she's most likely as good as her word, and intuitively speaking, I'm sure I can trust her.

3) Camper: A friendly, extroverted girl who is also moving up from CA to pursue a career as a hairstylist. She was comfortable and remained as such throughout the hour (!) she was here. She seems compatible with my style and my energy level as well. Hesitations: She's religious and although that might mean nothing, she may prove to be judgmental and passive aggressive when angry or provoked. Her body language changed at times when we discussed money and there was a tension in the air for a few minutes afterwards. She's also an investment considering her move is from a distance. Advantages: She seems to be a good fit for me on a surface level as we had much to discuss and she was very socially skilled.

4) Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum: Two girls from Seattle who claim to be hairstylists, but look to have lived on the streets for a few months (probably not true, and YES, I'm being judgmental). In fact, I saw one of them with her "street gang" (I'm serious) when I was walking back from the bar in Capitol Hill on Friday night. JH and I were arm-in-arm and I believe she thought I had just met him based on the fact that she yelled to me (quiet condescendingly after a nice exchange, I thought), "Have a gooooood night ---" It seemed inappropriate, but then again, I was drunk, so it could have had the nicest connotations (sarcasm). The other girl she was with (when they came to view the apartment) was sweet, but almost too much so. It was pretty obvious to me that they both aren't overly affirmative and it was clear (even to those who DON'T have a cultivated sense of smell) that they both are heavy smokers. Needless to say, my better judgment says this won't be a good fit.

Tonight, I'm watching the Packer game and eating steak!

1 comment:

CĂ©line said...

I tried to catch up on your blog during lunch break and just read this post.. Do you know what it reminds me of?
...Your post on a previous blog where you were introducing every counselor you were working with in Thebe...
It was good to read it afterwards.. do you think your roomates will have the opportunity to read it as well someday??? Are you going to finally pick one of them?
Je suis trop curieuse, n'est-ce pas?
Bises parisiennes...