I am definitely at its mercy. I don't wish this warm, sunny, gorgeous weather away, but I do wish it would be interspersed with some rain because I find it difficult to be indoors when the sun is practically reaching towards me, through the window, holding out its golden hand, and pleading, "Come out and play, Kelly!" It's doing that right now, so don't expect this post to be particularly lengthy. I can rarely resist the sun. On the other hand, what am I talking about? I should be thanking the weather gods this very instant for giving me shiny, happy days on which to be unemployed.
Unemployment! O how grateful I am to she who bid me farewell so I could take this path which grants me two splendid months to graze and play and delight in my own company! Really, it is all rather divine!
Thus far today, I have made a fair amount of progress on my to-do list, meaning that I have slowly but surely motored through my priorities (a difficult task judging by the fact that I have no time line, no commitments, just free, wide open spaces and days...) and tackled some financial insurance issues that make me want to barf. Ah well, all's in a day's work and I suppose that we don't learn exactly how to do these things (read: dispute insurance claims) until we are forced into doing them. Becoming an adult is so very pleasant.
Last night, JH and I had our first salsa lesson. I must say that I was mighty disappointed in the quality of the lesson, but I believe this is tied to the fact that we are enrolled in a Level 1, non-couples class, so not only are we learning moves that are much more basic than I anticipated, but also, we are rotating partners, so I am unable to guide JH during the steps. I think I'm going to request stagnation next class and just stay with him. He's got a lot of potential and it's so much easier to make mistakes when you're comfortable with your partner. Plus, it was tiring having to meet a new lead every two minutes (or less) - we both agreed that it was speed dating at its very fastest.
"Hi, I'm Kelly, nice to meet you." {Dance, step on toes, dance.} "You're getting the hang of it."
"Hi, I'm Kelly, nice to meet you. Ready?" {Dance, awkward spin, dance.} "Thanks for the dance, see ya."
"Hi, I'm Kelly, nice to meet you." {Dance, weird shuffle, dance.} "We're not professionals yet, right?"
"Hi, I'm Kelly, nice to meet you." {Dance, hesistant glance at each other, dance.} "This is awfully quick to rotate partners, isn't it?"
"Hi, I'm Kelly, nice to meet you." {Dance, nervous laugh, dance.} "Seems to me you've got it down."
...You get the point. I met about 20 different men in about 40 minutes. Not only was I sweaty and hot and frustrated with the turtle's pace of the class, I missed my orignal partner! In any case, I want to go salsa tonight and make up for the fact that I didn't get to practice my moves! I must note that being a follower (typically a woman) is much easier than being a lead (typically a man). Leads have to know the moves, plan ahead based on what moves they want to perform next, and then understand how to softly guide their partner into the move they want to execute. Being a dancer before, I can read the cues and *usually* allow my partner to suggest me into them. (Sometimes, I unintentionally take over and hijack the lead. Imagine that.)
Now, I'm getting much to antsy for my own good, so I'm going to head outside or eat lunch or engage in something productive like reading my book about how to seduce women.
And Dad, I totally agree with your comment and will be wearing my Packers shirt and hat to the Seahawks game - especially because JH and I are going early to catch some of the GB/Detroit game (on JumboTron) at Quest field. I think it's only fair to let people know where my loyalties lie. Although, I WILL have a Seahawks shirt underneath just in case I should get beat down (verbally, perhaps by the H family?) - I can't risk losing my boyfriend on account of the Packers! ...Or can I? (Answer: Yes, I can and I will. Packers trump significant others.)
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