Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Funny Quotes & Other Observations

Weird Jason Quotes:

"Only since the basketball season started. It's been about two months." - Jason, in response to the question: How long have you been sleeping?

"Hold me close so the asteroid and the doughnuts don't get me." - Jason, while sleeping in my lap on the couch.

"I care about snow more than I care about money." - Jason, in reference to having a snow day instead of substitute teaching.

"I feel like a ninja in a turtle shell right now." - Jason, during a particularly intense moment.

"I want you to stop asking me questions so I can disappear." - Jason, after I kept asking him questions as he slept in order to elicit some revealing answers.

Some Random Observations:

- I think the savory/sweet combo is the next big flavor. Salted caramel is IN!

- I am a new auntie as of Saturday. I feel very committed to this role even though I won't get to see my dog niece until July. Oh, how cruel the world is! I will miss you, Laila the lab!

- I had a weird dream last night about being held in Bolivian captivity with some of my coworkers by a large Latino man who was very stupid, but very controlling. In a bizarre twist of fate, I slept remarkably well.

- I'm going running right now before it gets dark. We've gained a full hour of light over the past month and I'm taking advantage!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Fruits of My Labor

My new gig is great. No, not great, GREAT!

Great. GREAT. GREAT!!!

There's no way to describe the feelings that come with having friends(!), a purpose(!), a routine(!), a guaranteed income(!), more opportunities(!) - it's not definable! Tonight, I went out for a coworker's birthday and you can't even imagine a happier girl. I'm insane. No, not insane, INSANE!


I'm overly enthusiastic, fanatical, excessively hardcore about my team at work. They are beyond fantastic and, per usual, I can't easily contain my excitement about having friends. FRIENDS!

In the meantime, it's clear that I have become a pro at finding all the free things in a city. I am currently looking at a stack of 10 movies that I have requested from the library. I guess I can't deny the real me.

Oh, and I can finally celebrate Labor Day!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Old Me

I used to think I was good at maintaining friendships, but now I'm not so sure. I'm employed and I'm exhausted EVERY SINGLE DAY, which leaves no time for myself OR my friends. It's not a pretty sight, folks. Sleepy feelings take over around 6pm and bedtime is around 9 or 10pm. I've got 8 hours of work per day and, suddenly, I've lost all 24 hours. How does this happen? Let me dissect the ways in which I have failed you:

1) Email. After staring at a computer screen for literally 90% of the workday (all of the time spent actually working), I can't bare to spend time answering emails or reading blogs at night. Hence, this leaves me no time to feel electronically connected to friends and family afar. (My eyes simply cannot focus on nearby items for longer than 7 hours per day, apparently.)

2) Phone. Personal decompression time is essential after long hours of dealing with people and families who have children with autism (read: screaming kids in the lobby is a regular occurrence). Alas, sometimes so-called "decompression time" turns into a "night of decompression" or multiple "decompression weekends." During these moments (or evenings or days), my last concern is calling a friend to catch up. I need time to process my week and I have little to no patience for telephone conversations...almost as much as I have little to no desire to stuff hot chili peppers in my underwear.

3) Physical togetherness. Again, this is about my time alone. Though I must admit, I generally prefer spending time WITH people as opposed to emailing or phoning them, but I'm only just starting to logistically figure out how to make enough time for myself while seeing friends and getting a few hours in with boyfriend and maintaining plenty of exercise and sleep.

I suppose I'm a bit hard on myself. I just need to relax and absorb the loveliness and security and deliciousness of (finally!) having a job!

But sometimes I wonder how one manages to make it all work? (Note to self: If I feel this way now, don't have kids!)

Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Day...


I feel so lucky to work for such a reputable and respected organization. Seattle Children's Hospital is an employer that I'm proud of - and it's only my first day! I feel reinvented! Motivated! Gleaming! Glittered! I'm a new person!

To begin the morning, Jason made me breakfast (eggs) and took a photo of me outside the apartment like it was my first day of school (his idea). He also dropped me off and picked me up. What a supportive boyfriend!

The day was overwhelming. Essentially, it was comprised of a general orientation to the culture and expectations of the hospital. Quite an extraordinary place, I must say. I feel very connected to the mission and purpose of this institution.