Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summa, Summa, Summa TIME.

It's the best summer EVER! Whoa! At least, NKOTB says so. I heard them with my own ears.

So much to do in the future, I can't even keep a hold of my pants! I'm having difficulty getting my ass outta bed this week, but only because I haven't had seven days worth of "nothing to do" since...uh...I don't even know! I've drawn a blank. Maybe, 7th grade?

Naw, maybe not. I guess I'm feeling this way because I've finally taken many of the "shoulds" out of my head and my life. And it feels so good! Liberating, freeing, releasing. I feel as light as a feather. Except, I'm PMSing and, therefore, may act on some bitch-like tendencies...but that should be gone in about 1.5 days.

I'm going camping this weekend with JH and I'm kicking myself for it. Well, not really KICKING myself, but I'm not much of a camper. In fact, as some of you may know, I can be hardcore, but I'm pretty much the antithesis of a camper. Now, you would think that someone who was conceived in a tent would looooove to camp merely by...proxy (?), but not me. Oh no. Though, I guess it puts my mind at ease to know that he's not only my bf (yes, I've finally surrendered to the use of the word...), but he's also an Eagle Scout which, as I learned this weekend, is some big business. It means he can tie all kinds of interesting and useful knots and stuff. Definitely impressive.

I've been hanging out with JH an awful lot lately. I now understand the idea of needing time to myself. When getting involved with someone, it's so easy to fall into their schedule or even into a pit of laziness where you don't want to do anything but nap with each other. What a glorious thing to do! But, it makes me tired and useless and groggy and crabby (sometimes). I suppose it's good for me to practice my sleeping skills, though. Always important. Always needed.

I'm pretty hungry right now. I've got to be at a BBQ...oh, about 15 minutes ago, so I'm off. :)

1 comment:

ari said...

So this is why you won't go backpacking with me huh? I'm not an eagle scout? I can cook a mean phad thai over a backpacking stove... does that count for nothing?!
