Monday, March 3, 2008

Full in Manchester, New Hampshire

I just had a free and wonderful lunch (isn't free lunch usually wonderful?) at SERESC (it stands for something that I don't care to write at the moment) in Bedford, New Hampshire. I'm back on the road and typing on a laptop that SERESC provided to me at no charge. I love this! They also do all of my AV set-up...basically, I just sit here and stare at the wall for the whole day. Not really, I actually worked out, bought some flipflops at know, things that you do on a regular day at the office, right? :)

Anyhow, I'm back to blogging as well. I'm sure my loyal (and not-so-loyal) followers don't even check this website anymore, but I'm okay with that. Basically, I just like to see my ridiculous thoughts on paper (er...the computer screen, rather) and it's a nice log of my travels. Well...of some of my travels. My computer is back to normal, but I hate bringing it on the road with me. It's so heavy and such a hassle in the airport. I'm all about being low maintenance on the road.

Happy March!

1 comment:

mairead said...

Yay Kelly is back to blogging!