Long Island was interesting, to say the least. The accents are to die for. I am convinced I'm going to marry a man with a thick Long Island accent. Come to think of it, I just got hit on by our shuttle driver today. He was cute, too.
But, as always, we had some problems which I will list for you to laugh at:
1) My toilet wasn't working last night (the water kept running), so I opened up the tank and fiddled with the knobs only to be blasted in the face with cold toilet water. Yum. I fixed it, but I wasn't happy.
2) It happened again this afternoon when I was in my work clothes. Again, cold toilet water spray all over my face and blouse.
3) The fire alarm went off today. Only briefly, but it went off.
4) The CD audio wouldn't work today. Argh!
I also forgot to mention 2 other things:
1) When I was in the shower at my hotel in Calgary, I looked up at the shower head and found that the brand was "Tingle King." How awesome is that? I forgot to take a picture, otherwise, I'd totally post one!
2) In White Plains, NY, I was sitting up in my hotel room and got a call from an escort service wondering if I was ready for my "massage." When I inquired more about it (after saying that I did NOT, in fact, order a massage), he said that many women call the escort service for "massages" with happy endings. Oh geez. I cracked up. I never knew that actually existed! I'm so naive!
Here are some pictures to waste your time away...
Salt Lake City: Where I went to the emergency room.
Isn't it beautiful from the plane?
Isn't it beautiful from the plane?
Edmonton, Alberta in Canada: Gorgeous city with so many parks!
Oh how nice to know that my love of cheese is not unrequited! Portland is such a lovely city... we shall have to go there when you get a chance to lay back and relax for a couple days (which according to your schedule should be sometime in 2020...).
Great pics.....i'm happy to hear you can fix a toilet.
Love ya,
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