Friday, February 19, 2010

Nothing But Blue Skies...

The weather in Seattle has been Amazing with a capital A. No, more than Amazing... INCREDIBLE. (All caps.) I'm telling you, our weather has been seriously legit. I haven't seen rain in DAYS! It's been super sunny, cloudless, gorgeous, blue skies, and a nice, even 60 degrees. It's practically May here!

And the weekend. It's free, it's open, I've got NO plans. Can you believe that? Those folks we were going to babysit for don't need us anymore, so it's smooth sailing from here. I want to play outside, get dirty, giggle a lot, tumble at the playground, create forts, smell the cherry blossoms!

Whatever it is that I decide to do, it's definitely going to be outside! Yay for summer in February!

1 comment:

SB said...

Just thought I should let you know that I'm still reading too. :) And also that I LOVE that picture!