Monday, December 14, 2009

All I Want For Christmas... a job! Except that I already got one. (!!!!!!)

Here's the rest of the list:

IPod and speakers
Yoga mat
Boyfriend watch
Live with Intention datebook
- Ralph by Ralph Lauren
- Christiane Celle Tangerine
- India Hicks Island Nights
Anything from Sephora
Yoga class pass
ITunes gift cards
A tropical vacation
New clothes
New jewelry
New nail polish
A long and happy life

Oh, and...

Shakira's body.


Andra Brion said...

Congratulations on the job!!!

I'll be sending you Shakira's body in the mail, expect it by the 23rd!

So excited you got a job!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Kelly Anne said...

Hahahahahahaha! Thanks Andra! It's what I wanted most. ;)