I'm celebrating on Central Standard Time with my parents, the movie District 9, and a whole lotta home-broiled steak. I'm thankful for people who love me, yoga on demand, and digestive systems that work. I'm excited to start my job on Monday and hope that 2010 is a year marked with happiness, fulfillment, authenticity, and love.
Cheers for a prosperous year to you and yours!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Hello, Goodbye, and Thanks to Jesus Price.
Since October, I've been spending my Tuesday mornings with members of the (unofficial) funemployment breakfast club at the Hi Life in Ballard for their $5 Not-So-Early-Bird meals. After (officially) getting a job in December, I dined with them one last time before leaving for the holidays in Green Bay. The breakfast burrito was my staple with an occasional order of biscuits and gravy, but this time, I decided to step out of my comfort zone with the goat cheese scramble and boy, was I pleased with my toast, which was in the shape of a heart (when altered). It practically said, "Good bye, Kelly. We'll miss you here in unemploymentland."

A few days later, I packed my bag for an epic "vacation" in Wisconsin for Christmas. Two weeks of family time, snow-filled streets, frosted cookies and peanut butter balls, loud seasonal music, the occasional gift of a wintry mix, down-filled jackets with mittens, hugs and kisses, coffee with high school friends, and relieving old memories (and triggers). Y'all will be impressed to know that I packed ONLY carry-ons for my trip. Take a look at my master packing:

That's it, folks! That. Is. It. Hell, I even impress myself! And take a gander at the inside, too...

I am unbelievable. Even color-coded. I fit 3 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, 4 tank tops, 3 sweaters, 3 long sleeve shirts, 2 dresses, 6 short sleeve shirts, 3 pairs of shoes (including knee high boots), a straightener, 2 belts, 15 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of socks, 3 bras, and one lone pair of tights inside that suitcase. If you weren't impressed before, you MUST be now! And let me tell you, rolling is the way to go. Trust me.
Upon arriving in GB, I spent a weekend holed-up with my family before decorating cookies with my adorable young cousins before the big event (Christmas). In particular, my favorite moment of this week came when my little cousin Colin sang "Go Tell It on the Mountain." Did you know it's where Jesus Price was born?
Neither did I.
See what I'm saying? You can bet I will miss those Tuesdays. Tear. (But I surely won't miss the financial distress that comes with those unemployment breakfasts. I can guarantee I won't be crying that hard...)
A few days later, I packed my bag for an epic "vacation" in Wisconsin for Christmas. Two weeks of family time, snow-filled streets, frosted cookies and peanut butter balls, loud seasonal music, the occasional gift of a wintry mix, down-filled jackets with mittens, hugs and kisses, coffee with high school friends, and relieving old memories (and triggers). Y'all will be impressed to know that I packed ONLY carry-ons for my trip. Take a look at my master packing:
That's it, folks! That. Is. It. Hell, I even impress myself! And take a gander at the inside, too...
I am unbelievable. Even color-coded. I fit 3 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, 4 tank tops, 3 sweaters, 3 long sleeve shirts, 2 dresses, 6 short sleeve shirts, 3 pairs of shoes (including knee high boots), a straightener, 2 belts, 15 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of socks, 3 bras, and one lone pair of tights inside that suitcase. If you weren't impressed before, you MUST be now! And let me tell you, rolling is the way to go. Trust me.
Upon arriving in GB, I spent a weekend holed-up with my family before decorating cookies with my adorable young cousins before the big event (Christmas). In particular, my favorite moment of this week came when my little cousin Colin sang "Go Tell It on the Mountain." Did you know it's where Jesus Price was born?
Neither did I.
Monday, December 14, 2009
All I Want For Christmas...
...is a job! Except that I already got one. (!!!!!!)
Here's the rest of the list:
IPod and speakers
Yoga mat
Boyfriend watch
Live with Intention datebook
- Ralph by Ralph Lauren
- Christiane Celle Tangerine
- India Hicks Island Nights
Anything from Sephora
Yoga class pass
ITunes gift cards
A tropical vacation
New clothes
New jewelry
New nail polish
A long and happy life
Oh, and...
Shakira's body.
Here's the rest of the list:
IPod and speakers
Yoga mat
Boyfriend watch
Live with Intention datebook
- Ralph by Ralph Lauren
- Christiane Celle Tangerine
- India Hicks Island Nights
Anything from Sephora
Yoga class pass
ITunes gift cards
A tropical vacation
New clothes
New jewelry
New nail polish
A long and happy life
Oh, and...
Shakira's body.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Not Thawed
Being that it's sunny outside, I just went to spray some Rain-X on my windshield for the, you know, rainy Seattle winters. Except for the fact that the liquid Rain-X froze before I could wipe it in. And it's only 32 degrees!
Why Don't YOU Go First?
This past weekend was one of firsts and I would like to share the events in a photo essay:
Saturday included my first time at a Washington Husky football game. Ever. It was delightfully cold ("This is what REAL football is like, Jason - so cold you can see your breath, but you can't feel your toes") and many people opted out of the game for that reason (pansies), but Jason and I enjoyed the 42-10 victory right there at the scene. It was really fun! The first shot is from the walk to our seats and from this view, you can see the entire field and get an idea of the shape of the stadium. It sits right on Lake Washington (behind the scoreboard in the picture), so many people will dock their large boats and take a dinghy to the game. I like this photo because the people in the front look like cardboard cutouts.

Saturday included my first time at a Washington Husky football game. Ever. It was delightfully cold ("This is what REAL football is like, Jason - so cold you can see your breath, but you can't feel your toes") and many people opted out of the game for that reason (pansies), but Jason and I enjoyed the 42-10 victory right there at the scene. It was really fun! The first shot is from the walk to our seats and from this view, you can see the entire field and get an idea of the shape of the stadium. It sits right on Lake Washington (behind the scoreboard in the picture), so many people will dock their large boats and take a dinghy to the game. I like this photo because the people in the front look like cardboard cutouts.
The next picture is of the north side of the venue. We sat way up in the far right part of the stands. And we STILL had a great view!
Here you can see a close up of the view from the stands. Beautiful, right?
The sunset (at 4pm)...
The marching band in formation...
On Sunday afternoon, Jason and I had an afternoon holiday tea service at the Fairmont Hotel with his family for a little birthday celebration. Afterward, we took our own walking tour of the downtown public library, which just went through a massive $165 million renovation in 2004. It's architecture is gorgeous and it's really modern. Amazing! Then, we went to Purple Cafe and Wine Bar for some appetizers and wine before attending the evening show of "White Christmas" at the 5th Avenue Theater in downtown Seattle. The live performance was great and it's also my favorite Christmas movie! Seeing the show again reminded me of the first time I saw it in 2006 during Thanksgiving weekend. I was by myself and sitting much farther away and after the show, it was snowing outside! So magical. Here are some pictures of holiday tea:
Great weekend!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Day for the Fallen
Today, there was a memorial for 4 fallen police officers who were killed 9 days ago while starting their Sunday morning shift at a coffee shop. A man, who was released from prison only one week before, entered the cafe (located in Lakewood, Washington) and shot each officer in cold blood. They've been calling it an ambush. The murderer got away, but was finally shot and killed 2 days later during a routine check of a stolen car. The police force and other governmental agencies in the area have been on high alert ever since the attack and thousands of people in the community have come out to support the process. The sheer number of officers and participants who attended the memorial has been incredible to watch (it's being broadcast on all major stations). Men and women in uniform traveled across the country from Canada, New York, Illinois, Montana, Arkansas, Massachusetts (etc), people and children missed work and school to come to Tacoma to pay their respects to the fallen officers. The news just reported that the 23,000 seats in the venue was not enough to hold all of the law officers and community members who wanted to express their grief and show their support. Apparently, the processional was 10 miles long with police cars and fire trucks. The 4 officers left behind 9 kids, 3 spouses, and many friends and family. Completely and utterly tragic. This is coming less than a month after another Seattle police officer was killed in an intentional ambush on the night of Halloween. A few local restaurants (Papa John's and Ivar's Seafood) are donating 100% of their proceeds from today and, in some cases, tomorrow to the Lakewood Police Independent Guild Charity Fund to go towards the families of the fallen officers.
Rest in Peace, officers. Thank you for your service.
Rest in Peace, officers. Thank you for your service.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Seattle Sun: A Conundrum
It's a sunny and beautiful (albeit cold) start to December as I sit here writing this at my kitchen table with the sun streaming through the window and onto my face. It's quite remarkable how much the climate can affect one's mood. The crisp, cool weather reminds me of Wisconsin winters and I instantly want to bundle up before going outside. It also makes me miss traveling. Snow in Chicago. Balminess in Sacramento. Frozen rain in New Jersey. Sometimes, I wish I was enjoying a morning breakfast at the Holiday Inn West in Portland, Maine instead of getting up at 10am and wondering what to do with my day. Unscheduled time is my worst enemy, I swear. Some people may relish in it, but it only makes me overwhelmed to think of all the possibilities the day could hold. Inevitably, I sit on the computer or in bed for much too long before ambling around the kitchen to make myself a half-ass brunch. I may be a bit more tired, but on the days I am fully booked, I am way more productive!
I guess I've learned a lot about myself in the last six months of job searching. I've discovered that I am a true commitment-phobe in every sense of the word and that a large part of my self-esteem depends on my connection to a purpose or a goal or a schedule or a path or a plan. I've found that depression can be situational and that I am susceptible to crying on a daily basis if my mood calls for it. Unemployment has also taught me that I do well spending little money. I've made only a bit of money last for quite a long time. (Thanks Mom, you've taught me well.)
I'm off for a walk around the neighborhood and then a much-needed visit to Starbucks for a peppermint mocha and a session of reflective journaling.
I guess I've learned a lot about myself in the last six months of job searching. I've discovered that I am a true commitment-phobe in every sense of the word and that a large part of my self-esteem depends on my connection to a purpose or a goal or a schedule or a path or a plan. I've found that depression can be situational and that I am susceptible to crying on a daily basis if my mood calls for it. Unemployment has also taught me that I do well spending little money. I've made only a bit of money last for quite a long time. (Thanks Mom, you've taught me well.)
I'm off for a walk around the neighborhood and then a much-needed visit to Starbucks for a peppermint mocha and a session of reflective journaling.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
You Know It's December When...
....You've been hearing Christmas music in random places for about two months now.
....You've been invited to attend holiday tea at the Fairmont Hotel and view a live showing of White Christmas in a week's time.
....You're fighting the urge to buy everything in sight.
....You realize that living in Seattle does not provide you with your snow fix during the winter.
....You desperately want a peppermint hot chocolate every single day without exception.
....You have finished celebrating the end of the J-A-S-O-November months. (See below.)
....You find that the sun is consistently on a 45-degree angle from 8am (sunrise) to 4pm (sunset).
And finally....Jason wakes up in the morning and immediately pulls on his ugly Christmas sweater after declaring, "It's December!"
In other news, Jason turned 26 yesterday. It was the end of the
months or the *JASON* months which culminates in his birthday on November 30. Apparently, it's 152 days devoted to celebrating Jason. (And you thought I was crazy with my observance of the entire month of April for my birthday? Oh no. I've found someone a bit wackier.) For his big day, I gave Jason three envelopes with planned events for morning, afternoon, and evening. Here is a photo essay on our day:
In the morning, we went to the Future of Flight tour at Boeing. It was amazing! Unfortunately, they don't allow cameras on the tour, so I can't provide any documentation, but I CAN tell you that it was 90 minutes of interesting facts and features. We even got a tour of select parts of the largest building in the world which is where planes are assembled in the Boeing Everett Factory.

The candles LOOK really cute, but they weren't very practical. They melted quicker than I could SAY "Happy Birthday" much less SING it, so they were good and done by the time my song was finished. By the end of the burn, I had "Nappy Something" instead. See for yourself:

And then, I found myself cleaning up candle poop before we could even eat the cake...

And finally, in the evening, I took Jason to Jillian's in Seattle which boasts $5 all-you-can-play arcade games on Monday nights. It was a little divey and a little dingy, but it certainly was A LOT of fun. We played Pop-A-Shot (I beat the self-proclaimed "basketball expert" in over HALF of the games), soccer goal kicking, water skiing, off-road jeep driving, on-road Hummer driving, Nascar racing, gun shooting, and Harley cruising. We even played Atari and Pac-Man! SO FUN. Jason won all the racing games, but I crushed him at basketball and Pac-Man. He dominated air hockey after telling me that he played in a friend's basement all through high school. In short, Jillian's was a great choice for a cheap night of fun.
....You've been invited to attend holiday tea at the Fairmont Hotel and view a live showing of White Christmas in a week's time.
....You're fighting the urge to buy everything in sight.
....You realize that living in Seattle does not provide you with your snow fix during the winter.
....You desperately want a peppermint hot chocolate every single day without exception.
....You have finished celebrating the end of the J-A-S-O-November months. (See below.)
....You find that the sun is consistently on a 45-degree angle from 8am (sunrise) to 4pm (sunset).
And finally....Jason wakes up in the morning and immediately pulls on his ugly Christmas sweater after declaring, "It's December!"
In other news, Jason turned 26 yesterday. It was the end of the
July - August - September - October - November
months or the *JASON* months which culminates in his birthday on November 30. Apparently, it's 152 days devoted to celebrating Jason. (And you thought I was crazy with my observance of the entire month of April for my birthday? Oh no. I've found someone a bit wackier.) For his big day, I gave Jason three envelopes with planned events for morning, afternoon, and evening. Here is a photo essay on our day:
In the morning, we went to the Future of Flight tour at Boeing. It was amazing! Unfortunately, they don't allow cameras on the tour, so I can't provide any documentation, but I CAN tell you that it was 90 minutes of interesting facts and features. We even got a tour of select parts of the largest building in the world which is where planes are assembled in the Boeing Everett Factory.
SO cool.
In the afternoon, we went to the Tulalip Casino in Marysville, Washington. We didn't spend any money gambling (self-restraint at its best, I suppose), but we walked around and had a nice lunch and discussed the reasons why casinos smell so bad. Afterward, we drove home and I frosted the cake I baked that morning. (Yellow butter cake with chocolate fudge frosting.)
The candles LOOK really cute, but they weren't very practical. They melted quicker than I could SAY "Happy Birthday" much less SING it, so they were good and done by the time my song was finished. By the end of the burn, I had "Nappy Something" instead. See for yourself:
And then, I found myself cleaning up candle poop before we could even eat the cake...
And finally, in the evening, I took Jason to Jillian's in Seattle which boasts $5 all-you-can-play arcade games on Monday nights. It was a little divey and a little dingy, but it certainly was A LOT of fun. We played Pop-A-Shot (I beat the self-proclaimed "basketball expert" in over HALF of the games), soccer goal kicking, water skiing, off-road jeep driving, on-road Hummer driving, Nascar racing, gun shooting, and Harley cruising. We even played Atari and Pac-Man! SO FUN. Jason won all the racing games, but I crushed him at basketball and Pac-Man. He dominated air hockey after telling me that he played in a friend's basement all through high school. In short, Jillian's was a great choice for a cheap night of fun.
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