Actually, it's 73 days until we get married. Crazy shit, right? Every time the word "getting married" comes out of my mouth in reference to myself, I have an out-of-body experience. Seriously, it's surreal to me. Even with a ring on my finger and planning on my mind, I still can't believe it. This must be what happens in life. You think about your future and you have experiences that help you sift through possibilities of what you want -- Do I want to get married? Do I want to have children? Do I want to live in Africa? And when we're young, our lives become a game of "when I get older" or "when I have money" or "when I get married" or "when I have kids..." But as we age and find ourselves in those situations, it's kind of unexpected and a little unanticipated. And it's totally different than how we thought it would be. (You're fooling yourself if you think it's just like you planned.) In fact, so many people give me advice -- "Make sure you do what YOU want for YOUR wedding" -- but in truth, it's the worst advice on the market. It's nearly impossible to do what you want for a multitude of reasons.
1) What you want may not be feasible {I want to have 12 different weddings, each with a different theme...vintage, romantic, ethnic, traditional, rustic...}
2) What you thought you wanted THEN might be different from what you actually want NOW {I always thought I'd get married to a Midwestern man in Green Bay, Wisconsin...}
3) You might not be able to FIND what you want {There is no place I want to get married in Green Bay, Wisconsin...}
4) You might not be able to AFFORD what you really want {If I were crazy and rich, I would love to get the $11,o00 dress and $700 pair of shoes that I originally fell in love with...not to mention fly everyone that I love out to Seattle to celebrate our big day...}
Those are just a few reasons why "doing what you want" is pretty weak advice. Perhaps Jason and I will get married again in 15 years and we'll pull out all the stops! Or maybe, we could mirror Heidi Klum and Seal and renew our vows every year with a different themed wedding celebration! (Oh, that smells expensive to me.) Anyways, if you're really interested in giving me advice about our wedding, please keep it practical. I can always appreciate some pragmatic pointers.
In other news, I can't stop looking at Seattle weather. I'm obsessed with it! In fact, I'm going outside to enjoy it RIGHT NOW! Ciao!